
In backtracking algorithms, look ahead is the generic term for a subprocedure that attempts to foresee the effects of choosing a branching variable to evaluate one of its values. The two main aims of look-ahead are to choose a variable to evaluate next and to choose the order of values to assign to it.

In GraphQL, look-ahead machinery allows us to introspect the currently executed GraphQL operation to see which fields has been actually selected by it.

In Juniper, it's represented by the Executor::look_ahead() method.

fn main() {
extern crate juniper;
use juniper::{graphql_object, Executor, GraphQLObject, ScalarValue};

type UserId = i32;

struct Person {
    id: UserId,
    name: String,

struct Query;

// NOTICE: Specifying `ScalarValue` as custom named type parameter,
//         so its name is similar to the one used in methods.
#[graphql(scalar = S: ScalarValue)]
impl Query {
    fn persons<S: ScalarValue>(executor: &Executor<'_, '_, (), S>) -> Vec<Person> {
        // Let's see which `Person`'s fields were selected in the client query. 
        for field_name in executor.look_ahead().children().names() {
        // ...

TIP: S: ScalarValue type parameter on the method is required here to keep the Executor being generic over ScalarValue types. We, instead, could have used the DefaultScalarValue, which is the default ScalarValue type for the Executor, and make our code more ergonomic, but less flexible and generic.

fn main() {
extern crate juniper;
use juniper::{graphql_object, DefaultScalarValue, Executor, GraphQLObject};

type UserId = i32;

struct Person {
    id: UserId,
    name: String,

struct Query;

#[graphql(scalar = DefaultScalarValue)]
impl Query {
    fn persons(executor: &Executor<'_, '_, ()>) -> Vec<Person> {
        for field_name in executor.look_ahead().children().names() {
        // ...

N+1 problem

Naturally, look-ahead machinery allows us to solve the N+1 problem by introspecting the requested fields and performing loading in batches eagerly, before actual resolving of those fields:

fn main() {
extern crate anyhow;
extern crate juniper;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use juniper::{graphql_object, Executor, GraphQLObject, ScalarValue};

type CultId = i32;
type UserId = i32;

struct Repository;

impl juniper::Context for Repository {}

impl Repository {
    async fn load_cult_by_id(&self, cult_id: CultId) -> anyhow::Result<Option<Cult>> { unimplemented!() }
    async fn load_cults_by_ids(&self, cult_ids: &[CultId]) -> anyhow::Result<HashMap<CultId, Cult>> { unimplemented!() }
    async fn load_all_persons(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Person>> { unimplemented!() }

enum Either<L, R> {

#[derive(Clone, GraphQLObject)]
struct Cult {
    id: CultId,
    name: String,

struct Person {
    id: UserId,
    name: String,
    cult: Either<CultId, Cult>,

#[graphql(context = Repository)]
impl Person {
    fn id(&self) -> CultId {
    fn name(&self) -> &str {
    async fn cult(&self, #[graphql(ctx)] repo: &Repository) -> anyhow::Result<Cult> {
        match &self.cult {
            Either::Loaded(cult) => Ok(cult.clone()),
            Either::Absent(cult_id) => {
                // Effectively performs the following SQL query:
                // SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id = ${cult_id} LIMIT 1
                    .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No cult exists for ID `{cult_id}`"))

struct Query;

#[graphql(context = Repository, scalar = S: ScalarValue)]
impl Query {
    async fn persons<S: ScalarValue>(
        #[graphql(ctx)] repo: &Repository,
        executor: &Executor<'_, '_, Repository, S>,
    ) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Person>> {
        // Effectively performs the following SQL query:
        // SELECT id, name, cult_id FROM persons
        let mut persons = repo.load_all_persons().await?;
        // If the `Person.cult` field has been requested.
        if executor.look_ahead()
            .any(|sel| sel.field_original_name() == "cult") 
            // Gather `Cult.id`s to load eagerly.
            let cult_ids = persons
                .filter_map(|p| {
                    match &p.cult {
                        Either::Absent(cult_id) => Some(*cult_id),
                        // If for some reason a `Cult` is already loaded,
                        // then just skip it.
                        Either::Loaded(_) => None,
            // Load the necessary `Cult`s eagerly.
            // Effectively performs the following SQL query:
            // SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id IN (${cult_id1}, ${cult_id2}, ...)
            let cults = repo.load_cults_by_ids(&cult_ids).await?;
            // Populate `persons` with the loaded `Cult`s, so they do not perform
            // any SQL queries on resolving.
            for p in &mut persons {
                let Either::Absent(cult_id) = &p.cult else { continue; };
                p.cult = Either::Loaded(
                        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No cult exists for ID `{cult_id}`"))?

And so, performing a GraphQL query which lead to N+1 problem

query {
  persons {
    cult {

will lead to efficient SQL queries, just as expected:

SELECT id, name, cult_id FROM persons;
SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3, 4);

More features

See more available look-ahead features in the API docs of the LookAheadSelection and the LookAheadChildren.