
The GraphQL standard generally assumes that there will be one server request per each client operation to perform (such as a query or mutation). This is conceptually simple but potentially inefficient.

Some client libraries (such as apollo-link-batch-http) have the ability to batch operations in a single HTTP request to save network round-trips and potentially increase performance. There are some tradeoffs, though, that should be considered before batching operations.

Juniper's server integration crates support batching multiple operations in a single HTTP request out-of-the-box via JSON arrays. This makes them compatible with client libraries that support batch operations without any special configuration.

NOTE: If you use a custom server integration, it's not a hard requirement to support batching, as it's not a part of the official GraphQL specification.

Assuming an integration supports operations batching, for the following GraphQL query:

  hero {

The JSON data to POST for an individual request would be:

  "query": "{hero{name}}"

And the response would be in the form:

  "data": {
    "hero": {
      "name": "R2-D2"

However, if we want to run the same query twice in a single HTTP request, the batched JSON data to POST would be:

    "query": "{hero{name}}"
    "query": "{hero{name}}"

And then, the response would be in the following array form:

    "data": {
      "hero": {
        "name": "R2-D2"
    "data": {
      "hero": {
        "name": "R2-D2"