
DataLoader pattern, named after the correspondent dataloader NPM package, represents a mechanism of batching and caching data requests in a delayed manner for solving the N+1 problem.

A port of the "Loader" API originally developed by @schrockn at Facebook in 2010 as a simplifying force to coalesce the sundry key-value store back-end APIs which existed at the time. At Facebook, "Loader" became one of the implementation details of the "Ent" framework, a privacy-aware data entity loading and caching layer within web server product code. This ultimately became the underpinning for Facebook's GraphQL server implementation and type definitions.

In Rust ecosystem, DataLoader pattern is introduced with the dataloader crate, naturally usable with Juniper.

Let's remake our example of N+1 problem, so it's solved by applying the DataLoader pattern:

extern crate anyhow;
extern crate dataloader;
extern crate juniper;
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
use anyhow::anyhow;
use dataloader::non_cached::Loader;
use juniper::{graphql_object, GraphQLObject};

type CultId = i32;
type UserId = i32;

struct Repository;

impl Repository {
    async fn load_cults_by_ids(&self, cult_ids: &[CultId]) -> anyhow::Result<HashMap<CultId, Cult>> { unimplemented!() }
    async fn load_all_persons(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Person>> { unimplemented!() }

struct Context {
    repo: Repository,
    cult_loader: CultLoader,

impl juniper::Context for Context {}

#[derive(Clone, GraphQLObject)]
struct Cult {
    id: CultId,
    name: String,

struct CultBatcher {
    repo: Repository,

// Since `BatchFn` doesn't provide any notion of fallible loading, like 
// `try_load()` returning `Result<HashMap<K, V>, E>`, we handle possible
// errors as loaded values and unpack them later in the resolver.
impl dataloader::BatchFn<CultId, Result<Cult, Arc<anyhow::Error>>> for CultBatcher {
    async fn load(
        &mut self, 
        cult_ids: &[CultId],
    ) -> HashMap<CultId, Result<Cult, Arc<anyhow::Error>>> {
        // Effectively performs the following SQL query:
        // SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id IN (${cult_id1}, ${cult_id2}, ...)
        match self.repo.load_cults_by_ids(cult_ids).await {
            Ok(found_cults) => {
                found_cults.into_iter().map(|(id, cult)| (id, Ok(cult))).collect()
            // One could choose a different strategy to deal with fallible loads,
            // like consider values that failed to load as absent, or just panic.
            // See cksac/dataloader-rs#35 for details:
            Err(e) => {
                // Since `anyhow::Error` doesn't implement `Clone`, we have to
                // work around here.
                let e = Arc::new(e);
                cult_ids.iter().map(|k| (k.clone(), Err(e.clone()))).collect()

type CultLoader = Loader<CultId, Result<Cult, Arc<anyhow::Error>>, CultBatcher>;

fn new_cult_loader(repo: Repository) -> CultLoader {
    CultLoader::new(CultBatcher { repo })
        // Usually a `Loader` will coalesce all individual loads which occur 
        // within a single frame of execution before calling a `BatchFn::load()`
        // with all the collected keys. However, sometimes this behavior is not
        // desirable or optimal (perhaps, a request is expected to be spread out
        // over a few subsequent ticks).
        // A larger yield count will allow more keys to be appended to the batch,
        // but will wait longer before the actual load. For more details see:

struct Person {
    id: UserId,
    name: String,
    cult_id: CultId,

#[graphql(context = Context)]
impl Person {
    fn id(&self) -> CultId {
    fn name(&self) -> &str {
    async fn cult(&self, ctx: &Context) -> anyhow::Result<Cult> {
            // Here, we don't run the `CultBatcher::load()` eagerly, but rather
            // only register the `self.cult_id` value in the `cult_loader` and
            // wait for other concurrent resolvers to do the same.
            // The actual batch loading happens once all the resolvers register 
            // their IDs and there is nothing more to execute. 
            // The outer error is the `io::Error` returned by `try_load()` if
            // no value is present in the `HashMap` for the specified 
            // `self.cult_id`, meaning that there is no `Cult` with such ID
            // in the `Repository`.
            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("No cult exists for ID `{}`", self.cult_id))?
            // The inner error is the one returned by the `CultBatcher::load()`
            // if the `Repository::load_cults_by_ids()` fails, meaning that
            // running the SQL query failed.
            .map_err(|arc_err| anyhow!("{arc_err}"))

struct Query;

#[graphql(context = Context)]
impl Query {
    async fn persons(ctx: &Context) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Person>> {
        // Effectively performs the following SQL query:
        // SELECT id, name, cult_id FROM persons

fn main() {

And now, performing a GraphQL query which lead to N+1 problem

query {
  persons {
    cult {

will lead to efficient SQL queries, just as expected:

SELECT id, name, cult_id FROM persons;
SELECT id, name FROM cults WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3, 4);


dataloader::cached provides a memoization cache: after BatchFn::load() is called once with given keys, the resulting values are cached to eliminate redundant loads.

DataLoader caching does not replace Redis, Memcached, or any other shared application-level cache. DataLoader is first and foremost a data loading mechanism, and its cache only serves the purpose of not repeatedly loading the same data in the context of a single request.

WARNING: A DataLoader should be created per-request to avoid risk of bugs where one client is able to load cached/batched data from another client outside its authenticated scope. Creating a DataLoader within an individual resolver will prevent batching from occurring and will nullify any benefits of it.

Full example

For a full example using DataLoaders in Juniper check out the jayy-lmao/rust-graphql-docker repository.